
The course focuses on building a chat server administration API and integrating it with a front-end templating framework. It also covers API integration and building chat services with features like authentication.

The first module covers source control and project initiation, including creating a new Django DRF project and configuring environment variables. It also teaches configuring Visual Studio Code for linting and formatting.

The second module focuses on building a chat server administration API. It covers generating names, designing chat servers, and creating the necessary models and database tables. It also includes configuring API documentation and creating API endpoints for filtering servers and returning related data.

The third module introduces front-end templating with React. It covers creating a new React project, routing, integrating Material-UI, and building components like the app bar, primary draw, and principal component.

The fourth module covers API integration using Axios. It teaches making API requests, configuring Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), and creating a CRUD hook. It also includes building components for exploring popular servers and categories.

The fifth module focuses on building chat services using Django Channels. It covers installing and configuring Channels, implementing web sockets, and creating chat room functionality. It also includes templating for server pages and implementing message history.

The sixth module covers authentication using the djangorestframework-simplejwt library. It covers token-based authentication, creating login and registration forms, protecting API endpoints, and implementing WebSocket authentication.

The final module extends chat services with additional features.

The course provides a comprehensive guide to building a Django DRF project with chat server administration, integrating with a front-end framework React, and implementing essential features like authentication and chat functionality.

Trademark Usages and Fees Disclosures:

Usage of Django Logo: The Django logo used in this product is for identification purposes only, to signify that the content or service is Django-related. It does not imply that this product is officially endorsed by the Django Software Foundation (DSF) or the Django Core team as representatives of the Django project.

Fees Disclosure: We would like to clarify that 100% of the fees will be retained by the author to support the ongoing development and maintenance of this product. Currently, 0% of the fees, if applicable, will be contributed back to the DSF as a donation to further support the Django community.

Note: The Django name and logo are registered trademarks of the Django Software Foundation, and their usage is subject to the Django Trademark License Agreement.

Usage of React Logo: The React logo used in this product is for identification purposes only, to signify that the content or service is Reactjs-related. It does not imply that this product is officially endorsed by the logo licensor. Copyright © Facebook Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 1.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 1.0).


The course focuses on building a chat server administration API and integrating it with a front-end templating framework. It also covers API integration and building chat services with features like authentication.

The first module covers source control and project initiation, including creating a new Django DRF project and configuring environment variables. It also teaches configuring Visual Studio Code for linting and formatting.

The second module focuses on building a chat server administration API. It covers generating names, designing chat servers, and creating the necessary models and database tables. It also includes configuring API documentation and creating API endpoints for filtering servers and returning related data.

The third module introduces front-end templating with React. It covers creating a new React project, routing, integrating Material-UI, and building components like the app bar, primary draw, and principal component.

The fourth module covers API integration using Axios. It teaches making API requests, configuring Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), and creating a CRUD hook. It also includes building components for exploring popular servers and categories.

The fifth module focuses on building chat services using Django Channels. It covers installing and configuring Channels, implementing web sockets, and creating chat room functionality. It also includes templating for server pages and implementing message history.

The sixth module covers authentication using the djangorestframework-simplejwt library. It covers token-based authentication, creating login and registration forms, protecting API endpoints, and implementing WebSocket authentication.

The final module extends chat services with additional features.

The course provides a comprehensive guide to building a Django DRF project with chat server administration, integrating with a front-end framework React, and implementing essential features like authentication and chat functionality.

Trademark Usages and Fees Disclosures:

Usage of Django Logo: The Django logo used in this product is for identification purposes only, to signify that the content or service is Django-related. It does not imply that this product is officially endorsed by the Django Software Foundation (DSF) or the Django Core team as representatives of the Django project.

Fees Disclosure: We would like to clarify that 100% of the fees will be retained by the author to support the ongoing development and maintenance of this product. Currently, 0% of the fees, if applicable, will be contributed back to the DSF as a donation to further support the Django community.

Note: The Django name and logo are registered trademarks of the Django Software Foundation, and their usage is subject to the Django Trademark License Agreement.

Usage of React Logo: The React logo used in this product is for identification purposes only, to signify that the content or service is Reactjs-related. It does not imply that this product is officially endorsed by the logo licensor. Copyright © Facebook Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 1.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 1.0).


In this course, you will learn how to create a app that use artificial intelligence (AI) to generate stunning and realistic images with PHP, MySQL and bit of JavaScript. you will learn to use OpenAI DALL-E and the Stable Diffusion AI model from Stability AI To Generate photo-realistic images and store them in the app or the database. By combining the strengths of these AI models with the versatility of PHP and the efficiency of MySQL, you will unlock endless creative possibilities.

You can highlight the project you create in this course, If anyone who sees this project in your portfolio might want to hire you because from this course you will gain skills which help you to learn to build AI generated images with PHP, MySQL, using OpenAI DALL-E, and Stable Diffusion AI model from stability ai APIS.


By taking this course you will get my full support. I've always loved to help my students (could be you). I’ve answered all that question that students have asked so far. I’m always in a ninja mood, if there’s a question it’ll be answered within an hour or few. By all this means if you have any errors. I'll be happy to check codes, errors.

This Course Covers The Following Features:

  • Gallery to Display User AI Generated Images

  • Generate Random Prompt

  • Generate Image file and save them in the project

  • Allow Users Choose From Different AI Models

  • Allowing Users to Download AI Generated Images in the Gallery page

  • Generate Photo realistic images using OpenAI

  • Generate Photo realistic images using Stable Diffusion


look at all the lectures to see more things that are covered.


In this course, you will learn how to create a app that use artificial intelligence (AI) to generate stunning and realistic images with PHP, MySQL and bit of JavaScript. you will learn to use OpenAI DALL-E and the Stable Diffusion AI model from Stability AI To Generate photo-realistic images and store them in the app or the database. By combining the strengths of these AI models with the versatility of PHP and the efficiency of MySQL, you will unlock endless creative possibilities.

You can highlight the project you create in this course, If anyone who sees this project in your portfolio might want to hire you because from this course you will gain skills which help you to learn to build AI generated images with PHP, MySQL, using OpenAI DALL-E, and Stable Diffusion AI model from stability ai APIS.


By taking this course you will get my full support. I've always loved to help my students (could be you). I’ve answered all that question that students have asked so far. I’m always in a ninja mood, if there’s a question it’ll be answered within an hour or few. By all this means if you have any errors. I'll be happy to check codes, errors.

This Course Covers The Following Features:

  • Gallery to Display User AI Generated Images

  • Generate Random Prompt

  • Generate Image file and save them in the project

  • Allow Users Choose From Different AI Models

  • Allowing Users to Download AI Generated Images in the Gallery page

  • Generate Photo realistic images using OpenAI

  • Generate Photo realistic images using Stable Diffusion


look at all the lectures to see more things that are covered.


Formation sur les WebSockets avec Django Channels :

Cette formation vous permettra de découvrir et de maîtriser l'utilisation des WebSockets avec Django Channels, une extension de Django qui permet la communication en temps réel dans les applications web.

Vous apprendrez les fondamentaux des WebSockets, leur fonctionnement et leur utilisation dans les applications en temps réel, ainsi que les avantages et les inconvénients de leur utilisation.

Vous découvrirez également comment Django Channels simplifie l'utilisation des WebSockets dans une application Django et comment créer une application de chat en temps réel avec Django Channels et les WebSockets.

À la fin de cette formation, vous serez en mesure de mettre en place des connexions WebSockets et de gérer les messages en temps réel dans une application Django. Vous pourrez également héberger cette application sur un serveur et l'utiliser pour discuter avec vos amis, comme sur WhatsApp. Vous comprendrez également comment les WebSockets peuvent améliorer l'expérience utilisateur et la performance de votre application.

Voici ce que vous allez apprendre au cours de cette formation.

  • Comprendre les bases des WebSockets et de leur fonctionnement

  • Utiliser Django Channels pour la gestion des connexions WebSocket

  • Implémenter un système d'authentification (login, register, logout) avec Django

  • Créer des chat rooms avec Django et Django Channels

  • Mettre en place un éditeur de texte WYSIWYG avec CKEditor

  • Gérer les messages en temps réel avec Django Channels

  • Envoyer des messages à des utilisateurs spécifiques ou à des groupes d'utilisateurs

  • Créer des vues pour l'affichage des chat rooms et des messages

  • Implémenter des fonctionnalités de notification pour les nouveaux messages

  • Gérer la sécurité de l'application en utilisant des tokens de sécurité pour les connexions WebSocket


Formation sur les WebSockets avec Django Channels :

Cette formation vous permettra de découvrir et de maîtriser l'utilisation des WebSockets avec Django Channels, une extension de Django qui permet la communication en temps réel dans les applications web.

Vous apprendrez les fondamentaux des WebSockets, leur fonctionnement et leur utilisation dans les applications en temps réel, ainsi que les avantages et les inconvénients de leur utilisation.

Vous découvrirez également comment Django Channels simplifie l'utilisation des WebSockets dans une application Django et comment créer une application de chat en temps réel avec Django Channels et les WebSockets.

À la fin de cette formation, vous serez en mesure de mettre en place des connexions WebSockets et de gérer les messages en temps réel dans une application Django. Vous pourrez également héberger cette application sur un serveur et l'utiliser pour discuter avec vos amis, comme sur WhatsApp. Vous comprendrez également comment les WebSockets peuvent améliorer l'expérience utilisateur et la performance de votre application.

Voici ce que vous allez apprendre au cours de cette formation.

  • Comprendre les bases des WebSockets et de leur fonctionnement

  • Utiliser Django Channels pour la gestion des connexions WebSocket

  • Implémenter un système d'authentification (login, register, logout) avec Django

  • Créer des chat rooms avec Django et Django Channels

  • Mettre en place un éditeur de texte WYSIWYG avec CKEditor

  • Gérer les messages en temps réel avec Django Channels

  • Envoyer des messages à des utilisateurs spécifiques ou à des groupes d'utilisateurs

  • Créer des vues pour l'affichage des chat rooms et des messages

  • Implémenter des fonctionnalités de notification pour les nouveaux messages

  • Gérer la sécurité de l'application en utilisant des tokens de sécurité pour les connexions WebSocket


ChatGPT tutorial: How to create a website with ChatGPT

catch the first lesson to Start using ( ChatGPT 3.5) & with the Chat GPT !

ChatGPT is the hottest AI topic for the last weeks - everyone shares their conversations with it or answers regarding many problems. Also people share their insights regarding its ability to write a code - but we are not going to talk about it. In this tutorial we will create a website using ChatGPT. And if you want to create an app based on ChatGPT and other ground breaking technologies, you should consider enrolling in our AI Hackathons. So… don't waste more time and jump in!

Midjourney Update: Learn how to use Midjourney to create images from your AI prompts.

Welcome to the ultimate guide to getting started with ChatGPT & Google Bard. In this course, you'll learn everything you need about ChatGPT & Google Bard and how to use them for your business, digital marketing, content creation, or personal use.'

We'll start with the basics, including what ChatGPT , why you should use these tools, and how they work. You'll learn how to create your account and get started with ChatGPT.

You will also learn how to use ChatGPT & Google Bard to improve your business, content, or marketing and strategies to get the best ChatGPT .

You will also know how to complete whole process how you can make html page and css coding with using chat gpt.

To help you quickly start using Chat GPT & Google Bard, you'll receive a downloadable list of prompts that you can try out yourself.


ChatGPT tutorial: How to create a website with ChatGPT

catch the first lesson to Start using ( ChatGPT 3.5) & with the Chat GPT !

ChatGPT is the hottest AI topic for the last weeks - everyone shares their conversations with it or answers regarding many problems. Also people share their insights regarding its ability to write a code - but we are not going to talk about it. In this tutorial we will create a website using ChatGPT. And if you want to create an app based on ChatGPT and other ground breaking technologies, you should consider enrolling in our AI Hackathons. So… don't waste more time and jump in!

Midjourney Update: Learn how to use Midjourney to create images from your AI prompts.

Welcome to the ultimate guide to getting started with ChatGPT & Google Bard. In this course, you'll learn everything you need about ChatGPT & Google Bard and how to use them for your business, digital marketing, content creation, or personal use.'

We'll start with the basics, including what ChatGPT , why you should use these tools, and how they work. You'll learn how to create your account and get started with ChatGPT.

You will also learn how to use ChatGPT & Google Bard to improve your business, content, or marketing and strategies to get the best ChatGPT .

You will also know how to complete whole process how you can make html page and css coding with using chat gpt.

To help you quickly start using Chat GPT & Google Bard, you'll receive a downloadable list of prompts that you can try out yourself.


Hi, Have you ever wanted to build a video chat website like Omegle, where users can chat with random strangers? This course will teach you everything you need to know to create an Omegle-like website from scratch using WebRTC, Socket io, and MongoDB.
In this course, you will learn how to build a functional Omegle clone website from scratch using WebRTC, socket io, and MongoDB. Omegle is a popular video chat website that pairs random strangers for one-on-one conversations. By the end of the course, you will have a deep understanding of how WebRTC, socket io, and MongoDB work together to create real-time, scalable web applications. In this course we going to build browser to browser based webrtc connection which doesn't require a hosted server bandwith to transport video, audio or text data, that mean it significantly reduce server bandwith which consume bandwith just like a small blog website because it is bypass the hosted server. So its highly cost effecient to build and maintain.

The course is designed for both beginners and intermediate web developers who want to expand their knowledge of real-time communication technologies and web application development. You will start by learning the fundamentals of WebRTC, socket io, and MongoDB, and then move on to building the different features of the Omegle clone website, such as real-time chat, video chat with database integration.

Throughout the course, you will have access to a variety of resources, including video lectures, written tutorials, and code samples. You will also have the opportunity to practice what you have learned through a series of hands-on exercises and assignments. By the end of the course, you will have built a functional Omegle clone website that you can customize and monetize for your own purposes.


Hi, Have you ever wanted to build a video chat website like Omegle, where users can chat with random strangers? This course will teach you everything you need to know to create an Omegle-like website from scratch using WebRTC, Socket io, and MongoDB.
In this course, you will learn how to build a functional Omegle clone website from scratch using WebRTC, socket io, and MongoDB. Omegle is a popular video chat website that pairs random strangers for one-on-one conversations. By the end of the course, you will have a deep understanding of how WebRTC, socket io, and MongoDB work together to create real-time, scalable web applications. In this course we going to build browser to browser based webrtc connection which doesn't require a hosted server bandwith to transport video, audio or text data, that mean it significantly reduce server bandwith which consume bandwith just like a small blog website because it is bypass the hosted server. So its highly cost effecient to build and maintain.

The course is designed for both beginners and intermediate web developers who want to expand their knowledge of real-time communication technologies and web application development. You will start by learning the fundamentals of WebRTC, socket io, and MongoDB, and then move on to building the different features of the Omegle clone website, such as real-time chat, video chat with database integration.

Throughout the course, you will have access to a variety of resources, including video lectures, written tutorials, and code samples. You will also have the opportunity to practice what you have learned through a series of hands-on exercises and assignments. By the end of the course, you will have built a functional Omegle clone website that you can customize and monetize for your own purposes.